string, being the 5th main component of the Oud, has been made from
silk in the early dates whereas gut has also been used later on. In the
modern era, the two lower pairs of strings are made from nylon of a
0.55-0.70 and 0.65-0.80 mm diameter. The other three pairs and the
uppermost single string are made from silk covered with a very fine
alloy made from copper, nickel and silver. The type of strings that the
master musician Cinuçen Tanrıkorur (Turkey) uses –written in order from
the lowermost pair to the higher most single string– are #0.55, #0.65,
#1008, #1014, #1023, #1441. These strings are too fine for those who
look for volume rather than deep vibrations in the Oud. But it should
be noted that, thick strings used to obtain high volume may result in
bending the neck by loading a lot of pressure on the instrument. The
thickness of the strings can be measured by using a “micrometer.
strings that the Arabs use are thicker than these which the Turkish are
using. So, we need to have attention in size of strings (regardless to
tuning) because we maybe destroy the oud. In the Turkish ouds the
cover is more thinner than Arab oud and may break if we put
Arabs strings. So, we have to pay attention that when we have a Turkish
oud set up strings which are suitable for Turkish oud, and when we
have Arabic oud set up strings which are suitable for Arabic
tuning. For the Turkish and Arabic oud, the maker Faruk Turunz proposes the following number.
Turkish tuning 1 - RΕ : 0.60
2 - LA : 0.70
3 - MI : 1008
4 - SI : 1015
5 - FA#: 1021
6 - ΜΙ : 1036 |
Arabian tuning 1 - DO
: 0.625
2 - SOL : 0.725
3 - RE : 1109
4 - LΑ : 1116
5 - MI : 1023
6 - RE : 1038 |
Turkish tuning 1 - RΕ : 0.60
2 - LA : 0.70
3 - MI : 1008
4 - SI : 1015
5 - FA#: 1021
6 - ΜΙ : 1036 |
Arabian tuning 1 - DO
: 0.625
2 - SOL : 0.725
3 - RE : 1109
4 - LΑ : 1116
5 - MI : 1023
6 - RE : 1038
The new strings for oud, i think it is the best, including costs of other strings
Turkish tuning = 08 Soft 09 Medium 10 Hard 11 X.hard
Arabic tuning =
c to c and fa fa.
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